Philosophy of Treatment


Psychotherapy is a healing art, one which utilizes the most up-to-date evidence-based techniques and strategies that have been found to be successful in helping to eliminate symptoms.

As a seasoned therapist, my aim is to use the most appropriate and effective techniques to help facilitate healing as quickly as possible, within the context of a warm, nonjudgmental and therapeutic environment.

Our emotional health and physical health are interconnected, and I aspire to help my patients understand that in order to achieve optimum mental and physical well-being.

After all, it seems that everyone’s goal is to be happy, and to experience a satisfying, meaningful and pleasurable life.

When our life is out of balance and we have lost our footing, our health suffers and we experience illness. This can either come in the form of various emotional symptoms (such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, lack of joy, negative thinking, sleep difficulties, appetite problems, rumination and worry) or even manifest in the form of physical illness.

Sometimes we are distressed by specific symptoms, or troubled by an overall sort of ennui, unhappiness, or feeling that our life is out-of-sync. Our relationships and attachment often suffer when we are depressed, anxious or unhappy.

In therapy, we work collaboratively to understand and to heal the emotional and physical symptoms that cause distress. We build on strengths, develop healthy habits (sleep, exercise, engaging in healthy relationships, time for creative activities, and nutritional choices) and expand supportive relationships. We identify effective coping strategies and specific psychological interventions that lead to improved emotional health and are the core of effective treatment.

In our first appointment, I will take a detailed account of symptoms, as well as a complete mental health history, information about family of origin, current relationships and your social support network. This allows me to determine what are the problem areas, what are your strengths and what types of treatment strategies would be helpful.

In that each of my patients are unique with a specific, distinct set of individual needs, goals and assets, there is not one modality that I consistently use for every patient, as I do not believe that one size fits all. Therefore we need to work to develop an individualized treatment plan specific for you.

We collaborate to find what works best for you as a unique individual. Sometimes this includes all natural techniques and interventions, and other times it includes a combination of therapy and medication in order to assist in the quickest recovery possible.

Many patients can benefit from a short-term, time-limited course of therapy, but for others an on-going relationship is advantageous for maintaining good mental health. This can be determined at the onset or addressed over time, as desired by the patient.